Saturday, September 27, 2008

when life gets tough...make cartoons of yourself!

So as if we were not posed with enough issues coming up, we just found out my mom's chemo treatments are not completely paid for, and unless she (we) can come up with $900 every 3 weeks, she might not recieve treatment. Very frustrating. I know somehow everything will work out, there are a few possible options out there that we're looking into, it's just another worry we don't need. Thank God for a very patient, optimistic, calm and understanding husband I have that is so level headed. When all this comes at us and I can't think of anything to do but cry, he is so loving and knows how to calmly walk me through everything and remind me there is a light at the end of the tunnel, may be a long tunnel, but there is an end and it will all be ok. So that is my rant. Oh, on top of it, I set a day out to hang out with my great friend Malia and went to Disneyland (sorry no pictures). We had a great time and perfect way to end my few days off, then someone rear ended me on the way home. SERIOUSLY??? anyhow, I'm ok, but another dent in Derek's car, that thing is cursed. Fun thing: the other day I copied Megh and made some little peoples of Derek and I. We're pretty cute in cartoon world.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Coming next life

So October is going to be a big, no, huge month for us. A few changes. Not only is it our 1st anniversary (YAY) but I will be taking 0n a new, 2nd, job, Derek starts school full time, and will that go down to part time, at a different store because we will also be moving! We have talked about it a bit and finally made a decision tonight. We had discussed being closer to my mom but neither Derek nor I wanted to move to Elsinore, nor in with my mom. As much as it would help us save money, we'd lose our insanity and as long as we can make it on our own, we will. Visiting with some friends in Temecula a simple comment of "this place is nice, why don't we move here?" turned into looking at a vacant apt, and now our decision to move the end of next month. Crazy how life works, but I think it overall will be better for us in the end, and for my mom. With my moms house on the way home from Derek's school, it will make it easier for him to stop by and check up on her during the week and only 20 min away I can go visit and help her more and not have it be an all day ordeal. I'm excited. And nervous. And I can get a job at a hospital out there per diem and that too will give me a chance to check it out and decide if I might want to work out there full time or continue to commute to mine out here. Ok, time for bed!

Monday, September 15, 2008

A pleasant surprise

Most people have something they're good about doing, and areas they lack. My husband is a godsend when it comes to massages, there is an overabundance. However, he definitely lacks in housekeeping skills. He will do the minimum he has to after I have asked him. So when I got home last night to find our house cleaned up, the bedroom picked up, the bed was even made, whole house vaccuumed and a quite a few loads of laundry done, I was a happy wife. For some of us this is just weekly, or daily, chores. But for my husband it was a huge accomplishment, and it made it even sweeter that it wasn't something I had asked of him or expected. See, I'm not hard to please, just need to find the right things to do. Now to figure out a way to show my appreciation :-)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Support boobies!

So this weekend was the Avon 2 day walk for breast cancer. I had done the walk, 2, or 3? times before, but this year I worked as medical crew member. Such a different experience but awesome none the less. At first I didn't feel as valuable as I had as a walker. The whole purpose is to gain attention and funding for breast cancer research and treatment, and done through thousands of people raising a significant amount of money then vowing to walk 39.some miles (or as much as they can). It is an amazing feat and takes a ton of time, energy and dedication. As much as the finances are a huge priority, that is not the rewarding part. The rewarding part is crossing that finish line, going down the victory tunnel and knowing that what you're doing is going to make a difference in someone's life. May not mean finding a cure, but if seeing a sea of pink walk by reminds one woman to get her mammogram, that could potentially save a life. And that may be just the minimum effect. Hopefully someday all of our and others' hard work can lead to a cure, or better treatment to save not only one person's life, but millions of peoples lives. Doing crew was different, you don't experience that bond with all those walking. It got me down at first. But then I remembered how valuable the medical crew was to me during my walks, and everyone else. Granted, if it wasn't for the walkers, Iwould have no need to be there. But if it wasn't for myself and all the other crew people, medical, food service, clean-up, everyone who volunteered their time, the walkers couldn't do it all either. Each blister I popped and knee I wrapped and iced may not have meant much, but it makes a difference when it helps make those miles a little easier than they would have been had I not been there. I have already signed up for next year, and look forward to it. And I am even happier to say that Derek is signed up to walk for next year, so look forward to supporting him to raise funds!! I am so glad he's doing it